
Sahara Hotel

In a quiet part of the city. This is a new and at present the best hotel in town. It can be busy.

Hotels in Bo are very basic compared with those in Freetown. Electricity is often only available during the night, if at all. Town center hotels can be noisy.

Madame Woki Hotel in the center of town. Very basic, but some rooms have simple air-conditioners which work when the electricity or generator are working. This is usually not all night.

Hotel Sir Milton in the center of town. Very similar to Madame Woki.

Countryside Hotel on the Bo-Kenema road on the south of the town. Has electricity during the night and airconditioned rooms, swimming pool and tennis court. It has deteriorated somewhat since it opened. There is also a risk of loud music late into the night. Rooms start at Le120,000.

Imperial hotel on the Bo-Kenema road on the south of the town.